Day 2 WBATA – 4 workshops on International Standards & Licencing, WBATA Sustainability as an organisation, Protecting the Destination & Sustainability Management, Promotion 2024+.

😎 At the end, in wrap up, we wised up in a very focused way. Thank you Tim Clancy for posing the right questions. A huge thank you to all in the last group photo, for the positive energy & serious work!👍

✅️ You have now a soft action plan and clear points agreed on – including the why – the who – the how.

📍Today and tomorrow we will continue with the Temporary Advisory Board on details & next steps.

🌱 Balkan Green is happy to partner in all the upcoming work on protecting the destination – sustainability ethics, management & action.

💚 Go WesternBalkans AdventureTravel Association!

🙏Kudos to GIZ SEDRA II and edgeusaidproject for supporting the process.